2006-6-9 SCJA Open Letter On AKC's Judges Restriction Policy
2006-6-9 Msg to Delegates On Restricting[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [237.7 KB]
2006-7-3 SCJA Email to ADSJ & DJAA on AKC's Judges Restriction Policy
2006-7-3 Email to ADSJ and DJAA on Judge[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [122.8 KB]
2006-7-31 SCJA Letter to ADSJ & DJAA Presidents on AKC's Judges Restriction Policy
2006-7-31 Ltr to ADSJ DJAA Presidents r[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [189.9 KB]
2007-9-7 Open Letter To All AKC Delegates On Article XIX of AKC Bylaws
ARTICLE XIX gives the AKC Delegates the "sole power to make the rules governing dog shows and field trials and the clubs and associations formed to conduct them."
2007-9-7 Open Letter to All AKC Delegate[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [171.5 KB]

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Karen Sawyer,

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      January 20, 2022.